
Feedback from those who know us.

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The greatest asset you can possibly have, after a skilled surgeon of course, is a good nurse. Hemmen Jutla is much more than a good nurse. He is a great one. I cannot overstate his professionalism, kindness, consideration, patience and skill and how much it helped with my recovery. My husband and family can attest to this: the lengths he went to in reassuring, informing and including them were remarkable. Recovery is about so much more than physical healing. It is about confidence, encouragement, connection and communication. Hemmen understood what I and those close to me were going through and he quite simply made everything better at every stage of what can be a frightening and undignified experience. Should I fall ill again I would scream, stamp my foot and call for Hemmen. We hear much of the importance of nursing, and for me Hemmen is testament to its vital importance. I’ve never forgotten how much he did for me and cannot overpraise his commitment, professional kindness and humanity

Stephen Fry (Comedian, Actor, Writer)

After multiple surgery's over the last 12 months and poor aftercare contributing to further sickness, I contacted Livaware. I needed daily wound dressings and monitoring. Looking back this was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have no doubt the advice from Hemmen and Aisling helped to save my life and most definitely avoiding another life changing surgery. Livaware are not just a remote nursing service; they take a personalised approach, understand your requirements, liaise with medics, research care options, do blood tests and swabs (at home) and offer advice. The organisation is well connected and can draw on a lot of knowledge as well as access resources that patients would find difficult. They became the most important cog in my care and my only regret is not having brought them in earlier. This is nursing as it should be - focusing on the patient as a human being and not a number. If nursing was like this everywhere then people would recover a lot faster. Livaware have raised the bar and it is for others to learn from what they do. Thank you!

Anonymous doctify review

It doesn’t take very long for Hemmen to get to know you better than you think! He and this team are very attentive and he just knows what you need and how you like things done in no time. It’s those little things that make a big difference when you’re feeling so unwell. My concerns are always dealt with promptly and I know that with Hemmen I am in safe hands. He always has a plan B, is an excellent listener and communicator, and always relays with my doctors in an efficient manner – whether it’s to better explain how I am feeling to them and voice any concerns, or to reiterate and explain what the doctor has said to me. Having Hemmen and his team as my nurses has made a huge difference to my quality of life. I totally trust their judgment and abilities (and that’s saying a lot for me). Hemmen is the person you want managing your care when things go wrong or to help keep things stable when dealing with chronic conditions. Nursing and care isn’t just a job for Hemmen, but a true passion. I completely trust Hemmen in his abilities and I also know that if I wasn’t in a position to make a medical decision for myself, I trust that he would make the right one for me. I would recommend Hemmen and his team to anyone and everyone that is going through a tough time and I can assure you that they will make things much easier and less daunting!

Tanya Fattal

When we realised that my wife was moving to palliative care our priority was to be able to get her out of hospital and cared for at home. We wanted her to spend her last days pain free and surrounded by family, this only proved possible due to the assistance of Hemmen, who not only proved to be a first class professional in dealing with medications and administrative issues but also ensured my wife was relaxed and pain free with the comfort that she had total confidence in him. This gave us great peace of mind and I would strongly recommend Hemmen for both professional and human support to anyone.

Raymond Green

Livaware was essential to my recovery, particularly during the early weeks. The ability to have a skilled nurse visit my own home, when I was immobile, was invaluable, and the nurses who attended had a deep knowledge of my wound and what was required (dressings, equipment, plan and lifestyle) to get me back in shape as quickly as possible.

Anonymous doctify review

I depended on Livaware to support me in the care of my husband who had just come home after an eight week stay in hospital. I was able to depend on Hemmen for his excellent nursing care and support to get us through the very difficult time that was ahead of us. We have felt reassured by Livaware’s presence and professional expertise. This support has enabled my husband to make a steady progress back to good health. We couldn’t have got through without Livaware. I would recommend Livaware to everyone.

Jarmaine Haddon

It was great to welcome you in as a ‘new member of the family’. You did a great job in helping us all get through the first difficult weeks following my discharge from hospital as a result of which my recovery has been much enhanced. Many thanks.

Kenneth Haddon

I used Livaware recently to get post surgery care at home and was really impressed by the level of care and professionalism I received - it felt like I was getting hospital level care in the comfort of my own home. Hemmen and his team went above and beyond to ensure I was safe, comfortable and well-informed, leading to a swift recovery and empowering me to make confident decisions around my health moving forward. The warmth and compassion I experienced really alleviated my health anxiety and the team will be my go-to source for healthcare support from now on!

Anonymous doctify review

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